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E: info@harleystreetphysician.co.uk

T: 07727298375


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E: info@harleystreetphysician.co.uk

T: 0208 1680690


Clear & transparent fees

  • Expert detailed consultation for new patients - £350
  • Expert detailed consultation for follow up patients - £275
  • Expert detailed video consultation - new appointment - £275
  • Expert detailed video consultation - follow up appointment - £250
  • Home visits - £450
  • Cognitive Assessment -£350
  • Cognitive Blood test Panel -£430
  • FDG PET scan - £1750
  • Dat scan -£1675.00
  • Cardiac MIBG scan- £1850.00
  • Amyloid Brain PET scan -£ 2400
  • Parkinson's Kinetograph (PKG) Monitoring-price on request
  • Other packages and services prices on request

The Journal

Expert Insights, frequently asked questions and advice from our specialists

How should an assessment for suspected Dementia be performed ?  
What are the promising future therapies in Parkinson’s Disease ?  
How is Exercise good for the brain ?
How is Parkinson’s Disease Managed ?
Why is life long learning good for the brain?
What are brain health strategies ?
What is Restless Legs Syndrome?
Is there a link between menopause and brain fog ?
What is dementia?