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Is there a link between menopause and brain fog ?

What is “brain fog”

“Brain Fog” consists usually of the following symptoms :

1)Memory issues
2)Lack of mental clarity
3)Poor concentration
4)Inability to focus

Is there a link between Menopause cause Brain Fog?

There is research shows a possible link between oestrogen levels and the role they play in neurotransmitter systems that aid memory and processing.Declining levels of oestrogen and progesterone and fluctuations during perimenopause may be partly responsible for brain fog symptoms.

There is also some research that suggests that menopausal symptoms, such as hot flushes and sleep problems can affect cognitive function.

Research shows that brain fog usually improves after the menopause.

How can we manage Brain Fog Symptoms ?

Focussed lifestyle changes are key to keeping your brain healthy, so eating a healthy Mediterranean type diet , good duration and quality of sleep, regular exercise and managing stress optimally.

There may be a role for HRT although the evidence is debatable ,HRT is known to improve sleep, mood and hot flushes during menopause and as these symptoms can affect cognition then by treating these symptoms this may in turn help cognition i.e memory and thinking.

The above article was written by Dr Soumit Singhai (Dementia Specialist based at 25 Harley Street in London)