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E: info@harleystreetphysician.co.uk

T: 0208 1680690


Clear & transparent fees

  • Expert detailed consultation for new patients - £350
  • Expert detailed consultation for follow up patients - £275
  • Expert detailed video consultation - new appointment - £275
  • Expert detailed video consultation - follow up appointment - £250
  • Home visits - £450
  • Cognitive Assessment -£350
  • Cognitive Blood test Panel -£430
  • FDG PET scan - £1750
  • Dat scan -£1675.00
  • Cardiac MIBG scan- £1850.00
  • Amyloid Brain PET scan -£ 2400
  • Parkinson's Kinetograph (PKG) Monitoring-price on request
  • Other packages and services prices on request

Why choose us?

Integrated Whole System Approach to Care
Rapid Diagnosis and Management Plan with "Same Day Diagnostics" offered
Utilisation of cutting edge technology and latest best evidence in diagnosis and management.
Multi Professional Team Based Integrated approach to care with access and input from other healthcare specialists when needed.
Focus on preventative health strategies with nutritional and lifestyle interventions adapted to the individual's needs.

Our values

Accessibility and Continuity of Care

We believe continuity of care and accessibility are the foundations  for  providing high  quality care

Professional integrity

We are committed to transparency, integrity and the highest professional standards at all times

Clinical  excellence

We understand that each patient has their own  unique  journey and provide individualised care based on the best  and up to date scientific evidence

What our patients and colleagues say

Dr Makuloluwe was always available to support juniors. She provided regular teaching despite being understaffed on busy ward rounds. Her communication skills with relatives and patients were excellent.
Testimonial for Dr Charminie Makuloluwe
Doctor Singhai has given my husband his life and personality back. Before we came to see Dr Singhai, my husband was in a really bad place and we were sitting with a diagnosis that turned out to be incorrect. On our first meeting with Dr Singhai, he had a strong idea of what was wrong with my husband and he confirmed that it was something that was treatable.
Testimonial for Dr Soumit Singhai
Dr Makuloluwe is always approachable and values the contributions made to her team. She is articulate and communicates well. She is always happy to engage with my team to discuss how we can best support both patients and families.
Testimonial for Dr Charminie Makuloluwe
Thanks for Dr Singhai's kindness and wonderful support over the past 5 months. His help and involvement has been much appreciated.
Testimonial for Dr Soumit Singhai
She is kind and knowledgeable. She is also very thorough in her management of patients.
Testimonial for Dr Charminie Makuloluwe
Many thanks for your help and medical attention rendered to mum over her sickness. My family is eternally indebted and grateful for Dr Singhai's quick actions and professional assistance in getting mum access urgent medical attention.
Testimonial for Dr Soumit Singhai
Dr Makuloluwe is an excellent teamplayer. She is approachable, knowledgeable and respects the various roles of the multidisciplinary teams as a whole.
Testimonial for Dr Charminie Makuloluwe
Dr Singhai was brilliant - thank you.
Testimonial for Dr Soumit Singhai
Dr Makuloluwe is very professional, respectful knows her stuff and loved by all.
Testimonial for Dr Charminie Makuloluwe
Could I also ask you to thank Dr Singhai too for all of his expertise and care. It is so very reassuring to finally know exactly what occurred and how to deal with accordingly for the future to prevent any further problems.
Testimonial for Dr Soumit Singhai
Dr Makuloluwe is an astute physician and a remarkable team player. She manages to carry everyone along and provides incredible support for team members. I have enjoyed working with her.
Testimonial for Dr Charminie Makuloluwe
In every part of her job she is so professional. She has a wonderful way with patients, patients relatives and staff. She makes time to listen to everyone.
Testimonial for Dr Charminie Makuloluwe
Dr Singhai has been very helpful, responsive and a calming and reassuring adviser.
Testimonial for Dr Soumit Singhai
Compassionate colleague who demonstrates empathy and commitment in caring for dying patients. She is a team player who is approachable and respectful of opinions particularly in relation to palliative care approaches.
Testimonial for Dr Charminie Makuloluwe
Our experience of Dr Singhai was that he was a very competent Doctor who understood the needs of his patients extremely well. He was thorough, careful and caring and considered the patients needs very well. He was the only Doctor we saw who seemed to fully understand the illnesses that my husband had and considered my husband always with dignity and compassion.
Testimonial for Dr Soumit Singhai
Dr. Makuloluwe has adhered to high professional standards. Her assess,set of patients of very thorough and her documentation very detailed and in legible hand writing. She has excellent personal skills and is ready to take initiative wherever there is an opportunity to do so.
Testimonial for Dr Makuloluwe
In my experience of working with Dr Makuloluwe she has an excellent bedside manner with her patients , is extremely competent , and is also polite and friendly to patients and colleagues alike.
Testimonial for Dr Charminie Makuloluwe
Dr. Singhai has been treating my wife since her leaving Lister hospital in October 2018. At this time her condition was very poorly suffering from delirium and her ongoing Parkinsons /Dementia. Dr. Singhai as a first course of action reviewed all her existing medications and effectively started a new course of treatment, with regular reviews to note progress. The result has been quite extraordinary with progress in all areas, ie Improved mobility and cognition and sleep pattern.
Testimonial for Dr Soumit Singhai
We are very lucky and grateful for everything he has done and also to his PA’s ensuring we get our appointments or contacting Dr Singhai if we have a problem, nothing is too much trouble for any of them!I have no doubt that my husband has the right consultant for his illness and feel very grateful we found him!
Testimonial for Dr Soumit Singhai
Absolutely first class care and medical attention! This consultant deserves a medal for his care and concern!
Testimonial for Dr Soumit Singhai
Dr Singhai has been treating my wife for her Parkinsons over the last 2 years.We have always found him to be caring and helpful to her condition.He has looked after my wife with great sympathy and understanding. He has listened to her and our concerns and answered any questions that we have had. Dr Singhai has given her hope when she really needed it and my wife now feels she can cope much better. We all have the utmost confidence in Dr Singhai.
Testimonial for Dr Soumit Singhai
Please thank Dr. Singhai for all of his time and attention, his diagnosis and general easy going manner were really helpful to myself and family this week.Thank you so much for everything and please extend our thanks again to Dr. Singhai who we will certainly use as our main consultant going forward.
Testimonial for Dr Soumit Singhai
“My husband has been a patient of Dr Singhai since April 2019 and has had exceptional care. After some assessments he was diagnosed with dementia with Lewy Bodies and prescribed medication. We are very lucky and grateful for everything he has done and also to his PA’s ensuring we get our appointments or contacting Dr Singhai if we have a problem, nothing is too much trouble for any of them!I have no doubt that my husband has the right consultant for his illness and feel very grateful we found him!
Testimonial for Dr Soumit Singhai
Thank you on behalf of my family for your swift diagnosis.  My father  did remember you and although he could not recall where or when he had met you- he obviously viewed you positively. I also appreciate your explanation in a clear way and for my father to be front and centre of the decision. He is thankful he is able to have input and quite rightly pointed out that his ability to process information depended on the day. So I am thanking you in advance for all your help. Your PA has been invaluable also. We as a family are all happy to be guided by you.
Testimonial for Dr Soumit Singhai
We very much appreciated Dr Singhai's engagement and intervention for my wife.His guidance and support with her medication was critical when it was clear that her situation was beyond what her GP could assist with. His manner, interest, availability and reassurance were all appreciated, and helped at a difficult time.
Testimonial for Dr Soumit Singhai
This is our feedback regarding the consultative care given to YG by Dr Singhai during the period that she has been a patient of his.She is much improved in the period since she started with him and her Parkinson’s medication regime has been carefully tailored to her needs. Dr Singhai has been in regular contact with my wife and me and has always been available for advice when needed. Both my wife and I would have no reservation in recommending him to others for the type of consideration and care that she has received.Many thanks.
Testimonial for Dr Soumit Singhai
"I wanted to thank you immensely for all your help and support in looking after my mother recently. I found the service via yourself, your secretary and the hospital very efficient. I felt you were listening to me and took on board everything I said. You took the time to examine my mother thoroughly and  reach a diagnosis. The investigations were arranged quite promptly and a close follow up plan was recommended. You very kindly explained the medications and side effects in detail and hence I was more prepared to deal with them. There were occasions when I needed your advice on the phone and I am amazed how promptly you responded to that.
Testimonial for Dr Soumit Singhai
A huge thank you to you for arranging for us to meet Dr Singhai. He was absolutely wonderful and I feel my mum is in the best of hands
Testimonial for Dr Soumit Singhai
We are over the moon that it’s day 2 of absolutely no pain for my father in law . It feels like a miracle. The whole family is delighted that the oldies are being looked after by Dr Singhai.
Testimonial for Dr Soumit Singhai
I’d like to start by saying that please could you pass on our thanks to Dr Singhai. Dad’s transformation, compared to the situation back in April, is amazing and we are very grateful to him.
Testimonial for Dr Soumit Singhai
I was desperate for medical advice and support at that time and you were very kind, thorough and efficient in providing that service for my mother. I feel you have been an amazing Dr and I am  very grateful to you for all the care you have provided to my mother, while supporting me as her carer at the same time.
Testimonial for Dr Soumit Singhai
Dr Singhai always has time for his patients and includes them in all the conversations even though it is difficult for dementia patients to engage fully in conversation. He also is happy for family members to attend the clinics enabling support and involving them within the consultation.
Testimonial for Dr Soumit Singhai
I take this unusual step of writing to you in order to thank you for the huge success of the care and patience that you have given my Mum since you first met her. Your success in controlling Mum’s challenges has been immense and you have also made sure that Mums retains many interests and her dignity in the twilight of her life. For that I shall be forever grateful to you.
Testimonial for Dr Soumit Singhai
Dr Singhai has really worked a miracle on my dad. Since being under the care of Dr Singhai as a family, we have seen a huge improvement in my dad. My dad had become a very reserved person who did not want to socialise, would not join in conversations and slept most of the time. He is now happy socialising, actively joining in conversations, even making jokes with friends and is wanting to do jobs around the house, for example potting new plants in the garden, as he did previously. My mum has quoted 'she now has her partner back'. We can't thank Dr Singhai enough for all his help as we seriously all thought we had lost our dad completely
Testimonial for Dr Soumit Singhai
I’d like to start by saying that please could you pass on our thanks to Dr Singhai. Dad’s transformation, compared to the situation back in April, is amazing and we are very grateful to him. Dad is now stable with the medication that he has and is able to get repeat prescriptions for all of the current medicines from his GP. Belatedly, the NHS has also taken an interest in his condition and he has now been seen by an NHS consultant at the Harlow hospital.
Testimonial for Dr Soumit Singhai
I would just like to say what a wonderful experience it has been and is, being under the medical guidance of Dr Singhai. The care and treatment have been very professional and you have all are being so kind to me. It's all a bit scary for me knowing what I have but Dr Singhai and his medical team fill me with so much confidence that the future will allow me to live as normal a life as I could hope for with your medical advice and prescription.
Testimonial for Dr Soumit Singhai
As a family we are very happy with mums progress. Mum has contributed to all these answers. Thank you.
Testimonial for Dr Soumit Singhai
Clearly expert in his field. Took a bit too long to get in touch with the GP.
Testimonial for Dr Soumit Singhai
Dr Singhai has been very helpful. His assessment and proposed treatment are delivering very good results for Parkinson's. He has a down to earth approach which makes you feel at ease.
Testimonial for Dr Soumit Singhai
Dr Singhai has been very supportive and helpful in treating
Testimonial for Dr Soumit Singhai
Dr Singhai is a patient, kind and considerate person. Makes me feel at ease.
Testimonial for Dr Soumit Singhai
Dr Singhai is an excellent caring specialist, gives confidence in all he does. Thank you so much and bless you.
Testimonial for Dr Soumit Singhai
Dr Singhai is very skilful, personable and kind.
Testimonial for Dr Soumit Singhai
Dr Singhai was very clear at all times and took time with me to explain every treatment and diagnosis. Would highly recommend.
Testimonial for Dr Soumit Singhai
Excellent care and a great listener. Very positive.
Testimonial for Dr Soumit Singhai
Excellent service, thank you.
Testimonial for Dr Soumit Singhai
Extremely helpful, an expert doctor.
Testimonial for Dr Soumit Singhai
Have found Dr Singhai very helpful and caring.
Testimonial for Dr Soumit Singhai
I cannot rate this doctor highly enough.
Testimonial for Dr Soumit Singhai
It's always a pleasure to meet Dr Singhai. Very caring and patient in explaining any treatment.
Testimonial for Dr Soumit Singhai
Very happy with the treatment.
Testimonial for Dr Soumit Singhai
Very kind, patient and reassuring
Testimonial for Dr Soumit Singhai
Very satisfied with progress.
Testimonial for Dr Soumit Singhai
Without our regular appointments with Dr Singhai we can honestly say that we would not be coping with and managing to support our dad. We always look forward to our appointment knowing that any changes or difficulties dad has encountered he will be able to advise us.
Testimonial for Dr Soumit Singhai